What Is the HITECH Act?



The HITECH Act, or the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, was passed in February of 2009. Starting in the year 2011, organizations and entities within the medical industry were offered incentives if they were able to prove meaningful use of electronic health information. Meaningful use is divided into three stages that begin in the years 2011, 2014 and 2016. The HITECH Act focuses on utilizing electronic record keeping methods to improve individual patient care and the national healthcare system in general.

Rules and Regulations


To understand what is the HITECH Act, organizations and entities will need to learn more about the basic guidelines of the act. For instance, any data breach that is unauthorized must be disclosed to the affected parties and large data breaches that affect more than 500 patients must also be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services. The HITECH Act also promotes the use of electronic health information. Electronic patient health information must be made readily available to patients and managed using regulations that ensure the security of the information.

Enforced Penalties


One of the aspects that will affect organizations and entities within the healthcare industry is the enhanced enforcement of HIPAA guidelines under the HITECH Act. Both organizations that provide healthcare and their business associates will be responsible for completing a HIPAA audit checklist and providing written documentation of their audit. Relying on business associates that are HIPAA compliant is important under the HITECH Act.

A HIPAA audit checklist can help businesses work through the complex requirements of the HITECH Act. Organizations and entities that store, transmit or create electronic patient health information must prove they are compliant under the current HIPAA guidelines. What is the HITECH Act is best answered by working through a HIPAA audit checklist and relying on professional HIPAA coaches when you have questions.

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