Know About Risk Assessment Audit Analysis

images (2)Examining the HIPAA Security Rules, of the four mandatory implementation specifications required by the Security Management Process, one of specific concern is the comprehensive risk analysis. This requires an organization to perform a comprehensive review of the threats, gaps, and risks to the privacy, availability and integrity of accessible protected health information (PHI) that the organization holds under its care. Conducting a viable audit of risks in a risk assessment audit analysis is crucial for organizations large and small to identify and prevent possible breaches before they occur.

There are a variety of sample questions one might ask to consider in preparation for a risk assessment. Have you identified the ePHI within the company, in all of the different locations that it might be stored, shared, or seen? What are the external sources of the PHI? Which other business associates are involved in the use, manipulation, and dissemination of the data?

Other questions relate directly to the threats themselves. What types of malicious, accidental, natural, or environmental threat exist? What other external sources of risk exist?

images (1)The risk analysis is a very important part of the process of achieving compliance within HIPAA specifications. It should be noted that the Security Rule has many non-required implementation steps labeled simply “addressable” as well. Thisdoes not mean they are optional, but it means that the organization has to be clear whether these steps are reasonable or not. If they are not, then the organization must document the reasons why.

A risk assessment audit analysis can help preempt threats and uncertainties before they occur. It is well worth the time and energy for an organization to conduct such a process to prevent consequences in terms of lost time, expenses, and stress down the road. Not to mention, this is mandatory in accordance with HIPAA.